Widex Hearing Aids

Inman Audiology is an authorized provider of Widex hearing aids in Troy, MI

Widex, a prominent name in the hearing aid industry, has a rich history dating back to 1956 when it was founded in Denmark by Christian Tøpholm and Erik Westermann. Since its inception, Widex has been dedicated to pioneering innovative hearing aid technology, focusing on delivering high-quality sound and improving the lives of individuals with hearing loss.

The company gained fame for several advancements in hearing aid technology, particularly in the realm of digital signal processing and wireless connectivity. Widex was among the first to introduce fully digital hearing aids, revolutionizing the industry by offering clearer, more personalized sound experiences. 

Their commitment to research and development has consistently led to groundbreaking features, including AI-powered sound processing and smartphone connectivity, enhancing the overall usability and effectiveness of their devices.

Inman Audiology audiologists in Troy, MI, can help you in choosing the best Widex hearing aid for your specific hearing requirements.

Why choose Widex hearing aids? 

Widex hearing aids stand out in the market for several compelling reasons, making them a preferred choice for individuals seeking superior hearing solutions. Here’s why Widex is renowned and why people often opt for their hearing aids:

Sound Quality Excellence: Widex is synonymous with exceptional sound quality. Their commitment to delivering natural, clear, and rich sound experiences sets them apart. Their technology focuses not just on amplification but on preserving sound fidelity. The incorporation of advanced signal processing ensures that wearers can discern speech and subtle sounds more accurately, even in noisy environments.

Innovative Technology: Widex has a history of innovation, consistently introducing cutting-edge technologies in their hearing aids. From pioneering fully digital models to integrating artificial intelligence (AI) for adaptive sound processing, they’re at the forefront of technological advancements. Their devices often feature wireless connectivity, allowing wearers to stream audio directly from smartphones and other devices, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

Personalization and Customization: One standout feature is their focus on personalized hearing experiences. Widex offers a range of fitting options and customization features, allowing audiologists to tailor the settings to match individual preferences and specific hearing needs. This customization ensures that wearers receive optimized, personalized solutions.

Comfort and Design: Widex hearing aids prioritize comfort without compromising on aesthetics. Their designs are sleek, ergonomic, and discreet, catering to various preferences while ensuring a comfortable fit for prolonged wear.

Tinnitus Management: Widex has developed specialized models with integrated tinnitus management features. These aids not only address hearing loss but also provide relief for individuals experiencing tinnitus, offering sound therapy options to alleviate the perception of ringing or buzzing in the ears.

Choosing Widex hearing aids means opting for top-tier sound quality, innovative technology, personalized solutions, comfort, and a brand that continuously strives to enhance the hearing experience. Their focus on delivering not just amplification but exceptional sound fidelity and customization sets them apart in the world of hearing aids.

Widex Hearing Aids Technology 

Widex Hearing Aids is revered for its innovative technologies that redefine the hearing experience, providing wearers with unparalleled sound quality and diverse functionalities.

PURESOUND™ Technology: Widex’s hallmark is PURESOUND™, a technology aimed at delivering natural and authentic sound. It focuses on preserving the integrity of sounds by ensuring clarity and richness, allowing wearers to experience the world around them with remarkable fidelity. This technology minimizes distortion, maintains a wide frequency range, and accurately replicates sounds, creating an immersive auditory experience.

Tinnitus Management: Widex has developed specialized hearing aids with integrated tinnitus management features. These aids go beyond addressing hearing loss; they provide relief for individuals experiencing tinnitus. Through sound therapy options and personalized masking features, these aids can reduce the perception and discomfort associated with tinnitus, providing a more soothing auditory environment.

Direct Streaming Capabilities: Widex hearing aids are equipped with direct streaming capabilities, allowing wearers to seamlessly connect to various external devices such as smartphones, TVs, and computers. This feature enables wearers to stream audio directly to their hearing aids without intermediary devices, enhancing convenience and accessibility. Whether it’s phone calls, music, or other media, wearers can enjoy clear, direct audio transmission.

Widex’s commitment to pioneering technology is evident in its focus on delivering not just amplification but an entire auditory experience. PURESOUND™ ensures that wearers encounter sounds in their purest form, maintaining naturalness and fidelity. The integration of tinnitus management options offers relief and comfort for those dealing with this condition, providing personalized solutions within their hearing aids. Additionally, the direct streaming capabilities empower wearers to effortlessly connect and engage with various audio sources, enhancing their overall hearing experience.

These technological advancements demonstrate Widex’s dedication to constantly improving and innovating within the realm of hearing aids, shaping a future where individuals can engage with sound authentically and comfortably.

Widex Hearing Aids 2024

These are the hearing aid models available from Widex as of February 2024.


If you are looking for a modern hearing solution that feels good and sounds great, the Widex SMARTRIC is a worthy option. Designed with a special L-shape design, the device sits higher on your ear, helping you hear conversations even when the environment is noisy. 

You can also go through the day without worrying about running out of battery as it is designed to last up to 37 hours. Ideal for busy lifestyles, the Widex SMARTRIC comes with a portable charger that can hold enough power for over a week for convenient, on-the-go charging. 

Unique Perks and Features:

  • Bluetooth: Connectivity and streaming are available for both iPhone & Android devices.
  • Widex MySound: Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps you fine-tune the sound whenever, wherever you need it.
  • App: The Widex Moment app offers “Made for You” and “Create Your Own” features which allow you to customize your hearing aid fitting.

Widex Moment Sheer RIC

The Widex Moment Sheer receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) hearing aid offers an updated sleek design with new microphone placement in addition to the redesigned charger. Additionally, Widex offers unique solutions to give patients freedom at their fingertips in the Widex app. Dual Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows for more personalization and control in the patient’s hands.

Widex Moment Sheer RIC products are appropriate for minimal to severe-to-profound hearing losses. There is an option for either a rechargeable or disposable battery. Widex reports their battery time is approximately 29 hours with no streaming or 16 hours with 8 hours of streaming.

Unique Perks and Features:

  • Bluetooth: Connectivity and streaming are available for both iPhone & Android devices.
  • App: The Widex Moment app offers “Made for You” and “Create Your Own” features which allow you to customize your hearing aid fitting.
  • Tinnitus Relief: Tinnitus management is available in the Zen programs, which aim to reduce tinnitus perception by utilizing fractal tones, sounds, and other masking choices.

Widex Moment RIC

The Widex Moment receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) hearing aid offers a discreet design, natural sound quality, and direct audio streaming. Their updated sound processing provides patients with rapid, accurate, high-fidelity sound. Researchers found that overall, 91% of respondents were satisfied with Moment sound quality. When it came to speech-in-noise, five times as many participants were satisfied with Moment compared to their own hearing aids. A total of 90% were satisfied with how the Moment devices functioned in their daily life!

Widex Moment RIC products are appropriate for fitting minimal to severe-to-profound hearing losses. There is an option for either rechargeable or various disposable battery-size solutions. 

Unique Perks and Features:

  • Bluetooth: Connectivity and streaming are available for both iPhone & Android devices.
  • App: The Widex Moment app offers “Made for You” and “Create Your Own” features which allow you to customize your hearing aid fitting.
  • Tinnitus Relief: Tinnitus management is available in the Zen programs, which aim to reduce tinnitus perception by utilizing fractal tones, sounds, and other masking choices.

Widex Moment BTE 

For years Widex has used artificial intelligence in their hearing aid technologies to help improve their sound quality. Over time by learning what patients prefer to hear, they’ve crafted technology that helps predict what you will want to hear. SoundSense Learn is their proprietary hearing aid feature that’s based on the deeper artificial intelligence (AI) form, Machine Learning. This tool calculates the best possible hearing settings at the precise moment based on input from the user. As SoundSense Learn gets smarter, it continues to get faster at calculating the best sound for each individual.

Widex Moment is available in the behind-the-ear (BTE) style and is appropriate for fitting minimal to severe-to-profound hearing losses. There is an option for either a rechargeable or size 13 disposable battery.

Unique Perks and Features:

  • Bluetooth: Connectivity and streaming are available for both iPhone & Android devices.
  • App: The Widex Moment app offers “Made for You” and “Create Your Own” features which allow you to customize your hearing aid fitting.
  • Tinnitus Relief: Tinnitus management is available in the Zen programs, which aim to reduce tinnitus perception by utilizing fractal tones, sounds, and other masking choices.

Widex Moment CROS

Not all hearing aids are created equally, and Widex has been a leader in the hearing aid industry when it comes to its contralateral routing of the signal (CROS) technology. Single-sided deafness can create several listening challenges including sound localization and listening in background noise. The Widex CROS provides a solution for individuals who are looking for superb sound quality with minimal distortion or echo. A CROS operates by wearing a transmitter on the poorer-hearing ear, and sounds received from that transmitter are wirelessly routed to a hearing device on the better-hearing ear. 

The Widex CROS is designed for individuals with one-sided hearing loss, or single-sided deafness (SSD). The device can be fitted as either a true CROS or BiCROS (hearing loss is also in the better hearing ear). Widex offers advanced battery-saving solutions, reportedly using three times less power than other wireless CROS solutions.

The CROS is currently compatible with the EVOKE family hearing aids.

Widex Moment ITE

Ensuring a perfect fit isn’t always easy, but Widex’s custom in-the-ear (ITE) devices allow you to craft a hearing aid that fits true to your specific ear anatomy. All Widex ITE hearing aids and completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aids are fully automatic. This allows you to hear clear and natural sounds with minimal intervention. 

Widex Moment ITE products are appropriate for minimal to moderately severe hearing loss. There is an option for size 10 or 312 disposable batteries. The anticipated battery life varies greatly depending on the severity of the hearing loss, usage, and streaming frequency. Widex shares the average usage can range between 105 and 150 hours.

Unique Perks and Features:

  • Tailored Fit: Custom products that are designed to be tailored to your ear anatomy
  • Connectivity: Streaming and Bluetooth are available to control programs and volume with a DEX device or the TONELINK™ app.
  • Tinnitus Relief: Tinnitus management is available in the Zen programs, which aim to reduce tinnitus perception by utilizing fractal tones, sounds, and other masking options

Widex Hearing Aid Apps

Widex offers a suite of innovative apps designed to complement and enhance the functionalities of their hearing aids, catering to various aspects of the user experience and providing greater control and customization options. Here’s an overview of Widex’s key apps:

Widex MOMENT app: This app is a comprehensive tool that allows wearers to personalize their hearing experience. Users can fine-tune settings such as volume, program selection, and sound balance to match their preferences and specific environments. The MOMENT app’s intuitive interface enables easy adjustments, ensuring users have optimal hearing in diverse situations. Additionally, it offers access to guidance and support materials, enhancing the user’s understanding and utilization of their hearing aids.

Widex EVOKE app: The EVOKE app is an intelligent companion that utilizes machine learning to adapt and learn from user preferences and environments. It offers various customization options and features of SoundSense Technology, which uses user input to continuously refine and optimize hearing aid settings. Over time, the EVOKE app fine-tunes the hearing aid’s performance, providing wearers with a personalized and adaptive listening experience.

Widex TONELINK app: Specifically designed for individuals experiencing tinnitus, the TONELINK app offers relief through personalized sound therapy. Users can select and adjust soothing sounds to help manage tinnitus symptoms. The app allows customization of frequency, volume, and type of sound, providing comfort and relief tailored to the user’s specific needs.

Widex REMOTE CARE: This innovative feature enables remote adjustments and support from hearing care professionals. Through the REMOTE CARE platform, wearers can connect with their audiologists or hearing care providers, allowing for real-time adjustments, troubleshooting, and guidance without the need for in-person visits. This remote support feature streamlines the process of fine-tuning hearing aids, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction.

These apps collectively offer wearers greater control, personalization, and support in managing their hearing aids. From personalized sound adjustments and adaptive learning to targeted relief for tinnitus, Widex’s suite of apps aims to optimize the user experience and ensure that wearers receive the most from their hearing aids.

Additionally, the integration of remote care capabilities facilitates convenient and efficient communication between users and hearing care professionals, ensuring ongoing support and customization, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness and satisfaction of Widex hearing aids.

Widex Hearing Aid Accessories 

Widex offers a diverse range of accessories designed to complement their hearing aids, enhancing functionality, connectivity, and overall user experience:

Widex Sound Assist: This innovative smartphone app allows users to receive personalized, real-time assistance from their hearing care professional. Through live video calls, wearers can communicate directly with their audiologist or hearing specialist, facilitating remote adjustments and troubleshooting for their hearing aids.

Widex TV Play: The TV Play accessory enables wearers to stream high-quality audio from their television directly to their hearing aids. It enhances the TV-watching experience by transmitting sound wirelessly, ensuring clear and synchronized audio without disturbing others in the room.

Widex SoundConnect: This accessory allows for seamless connectivity between hearing aids and various devices, expanding the streaming capabilities beyond just TV. SoundConnect enables wearers to connect to smartphones, computers, and other audio sources, providing versatility and convenience in accessing audio content.

COM-DEX: This wearable streaming accessory enables hands-free communication by connecting hearing aids to smartphones via Bluetooth. It allows users to make and receive phone calls, stream music, and control hearing aid settings discreetly through a small device worn around the neck.

RC-DEX: The Remote Control (RC-DEX) is a compact remote that provides users with convenient control over their hearing aids. It allows for easy adjustment of volume, program selection, and other essential settings without needing to manipulate the hearing aids directly.

TV-DEX: Similar to the TV Play, the TV-DEX accessory streams TV audio directly to hearing aids. It offers an alternative solution for those preferring a dedicated device solely for TV connectivity.

Widex Chargers: Widex offers a range of charging solutions for rechargeable hearing aids. These charging stations provide convenient and reliable charging options for users, ensuring their hearing aids are always ready for use.

Hearing Aid Dryers: Widex provides specialized drying units to help maintain the performance and longevity of hearing aids. These dryers remove moisture and ensure proper care of the devices, reducing the risk of damage and extending their lifespan.

Widex Hearing Aid Batteries: Widex offers a selection of high-quality disposable batteries tailored to their hearing aids. These batteries provide reliable power for various Widex models, ensuring consistent performance and longevity.

These accessories collectively enhance the functionality, connectivity, and care of Widex hearing aids, catering to diverse user preferences and needs while ensuring an optimized and enjoyable hearing experience.

Inman Audiology: Widex Hearing Aids Authorized Provider in Troy, MI

Widex hearing aids stand out for their commitment to PURESOUND™ technology, delivering natural, clear, and rich sound experiences. Their dedication to innovation, direct streaming capabilities, and personalized solutions sets them apart in the industry. At Inman Audiology, we understand the importance of tailored hearing solutions, and through Widex, we offer a range of options to suit individual preferences and needs.

Inman Audiology is an authorized provider of Widex hearing aids in Troy, MI

The partnership with Widex ensures that clients receive top-tier technology renowned for its exceptional sound quality, innovative features, and personalized approach to addressing hearing loss.

Take the first step towards an enhanced hearing experience by scheduling a consultation with our experts today. Your journey to better hearing begins here.

We are committed to working with our patients to ensure no family misses out on precious moments. The most important thing is getting you the care that you need as soon as possible. Don’t wait!

We are committed to working with our patients to ensure no family misses out on precious moments. The most important thing is getting you the care that you need as soon as possible. Don’t wait!